Very sorry I haven't had anything new posted here, these past few days have been absolutely crazy! I haven't even been home very much at all, and I was at family's house for Thanksgiving too, but now all the hype is over and I feel like I can finally think straight again.
I wanted to share these pictures of bedroom ideas I have because I went to IKEA for the first time yesterday with my mom and I was a bit overwhelmed! I told my parents I would rather redecorate my room than get Christmas presents because to tell you guys the truth I really don't want anything for Christmas..I mean maybe a makeup palate or two and some lipstick but thats really it :/ Anyway, seeing some of the showroom ideas they had there made me want to totally empty out my room and start over, which is basically what I'm doing.
So here's what I'm thinking: I think I want a loft bed (bunk bed). In the show room it looks absolutely ADORABLE with a sleek white couch and table underneath, with fairy lights and pictures. Oh my god I loved it, and I can't believe I have never thought about it before! It would give me like an extra 7 feet of space in my bedroom 0_0
Then I want to get one of the plain table top desks, and put the Alex 6 drawer unit on one side of it, with either shelves on top or a mirror. And as for other storage in my room, currently I have one dresser and one hutch. So instead of the dresser I have I'll get a 6 drawer one, and then for the hutch I might want one of those cool cube units to display everything I have…I still need to figure it out because there was so much to look at! Then I want to add some simple shelves on the walls, some fairy lights, and i really don't even know my brain is in a jumble haha.
This post got lengthy real fast but please let me know your thoughts on this! I neeeeeeeed help.
Happy Sunday! :)
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