
Chit-Chat ♡

So today I was woken up to the sound of drilling! Yep, we are getting new windows. I am actually really excited because my current bedroom window can't even open! So now I will be able to have the nice Autumn breeze throughout my room. 

On another note, my wisdom tooth is coming in and I am in terrible pain. Have any of you had your wisdom teeth pulled? I'm quite afraid of being put to sleep, and I have never had a tooth pulled in my life! So I don't know what to expect when I get them pulled :( All four of them are impacted...(i know, I am such a lucky girl!)

To try and make myself distracted from the pain, I hung my twinkling lights around my headboard. They were around my mirror, but hanging them this way makes it feel all cozy and Christmas-y in my room. And having a pumpkin candle lit just makes it all the better! 

I can't wait to use these in my YouTube videos. Well, I am just so anxious to start youtube I can't handle it!! Anyone have any tips? :) I'm just going to jump right in and post, haha that's how excited I am.

Have a wonderful day :-)

xx, Maddie

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